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Practical Psychology Press
PO Box 535
Portland, OR 97207 USA
503/289-3295 x1
Privacy Policy | Security Information | Shipping & Returns
Terms & Conditions
Usage of this site is at the user’s own risk. While we make every attempt to provide you with a seamless, secure browsing and shopping experience, things do happen. We can not be responsible for any nefarious users or breaches of our site. On the good side, we do not collect or store any payment information here. These things are all handled through PayPal. See more information below.
You agree not to attempt to breach or threaten our site structure, content and/or function. You agree not to distribute or use any copyrighted materials on our site beyond what has been purchased, or is allowable by law (such as usage in a review, or a properly cited excerpt in a scholarly paper).
Practical Psychology Press will not sell, rent, or release any information about the customers and clients of any of our family of websites to anyone unless legally required to do so, and only with prejudice.
Most information we acquire is that which our customers provide to us through e-mail or orders. We do not review the content of any cookie that may be set on your computer by our third party software (shopping cart, forum, bulletin board, etc.). We will not load any sort of applications or spyware. Once your visit or transaction is complete, feel free to clear your cache of any cookies. (See your browser’s help section on how to do this.)
Our web server allows us to view the IP addresses, page accesses, and other statistics about the visitors to our family of sites, however, we do not process these reports for individual user information. While we could take these reports and determine "inexactly" to whom the IP addresses belong, and possibly even be right if you have a static IP number, we have much more important things on which to spend our time. The reports are used mostly for site maintenance, error notification, page-hit popularity, statistics, and curiosity satisfaction.
It should go without saying that when you submit an order, we will have the use of your credit card number for that one transaction only (unless otherwise pre-arranged). We do not enter or keep your credit card number information in our computer or electronic records. Since January 1, 2008, we no longer capture the credit card number during your transaction. All secure information is now be handled by our third party merchant processor, PayPal and its partners. We keep a hard copy of the transaction (without full credit card number) for our files as required by our credit card processor. See more about our security policies below.
E-mail List
– OPT IN e-mail list: Due to the 2003 CAN-SPAM act we now are adding to our mailing list only the names of persons who actively "OPT-IN" to our Al Siebert Resiliency Center Resiliency Reader email list.
Before late 2004, if you sent us email, we may have put you on our email list named THRIVEline at the time, then called RESILetter Resiliency eNewsletter, and currently known as the Resiliency Reader.
We send about one message a quarter that builds upon the resiliency information and learnings of the late Al Siebert, PhD, and current professional researchers in the field. If you would like to be removed from our list, please visit the Resiliency Center contact at page Al Siebert Resiliency Center Resiliency Reader email list management, or reply directly to the email you receive from us.
Please note we make every attempt to honor your request, however, sometimes our mailing has been forwarded to you, by others, beyond our control, which means that while YOUR email does not reside on our master list, it is being sent to you by someone who DOES reside our master list. You must contact that person personally. We are unble to control what happens to the mailing once it has left us!
We take our responsibility to privacy very seriously.
Security Information
Look for the padlock!
Your online security is as important to us as it is to you. That’s why our shopping cart provides a secure socket layer (SSL) server through our hosting service, http://www.totalchoicehosting.com. This 128-bit encryption scheme allows a safe way for you to transfer your private information through us to our merchant processor.
You should see a locked padlock somewhere on the edge of your browser window on each page of our store and "HTTPS" in the header (and especially in the shopping cart area where you enter your personal information). Lately, the padlock has been located on the left, in the top or bottom status bar, but each browser is different. This ensures, according to your browsing software, that the page is protected by a secure server. You can hover over it to see who the signing authority on the secure certificate is. Some older outside links to the information page may be insecure, but once you get to the shopping cart, a padlock should be visible and locked. If you do not see the padlock on this page reload it using its secure server address: https://www.practicalpsychologypress.com/about-us/privacy-security/
Our SSL server is backed by a 256-bit secure certificate that was provided to us through Register.com.
For more information, please view the Mozilla/Netscape/Firefox information page, Using Certificates.
We maintain an "GOOD" rating from the Web of Trust security scorecard.
Online Credit Card Processing
We now are using PayPal for our online store payment processing services. You do not need to have a PayPal account in order to purchase from us. (Once to the payment portion of the checkout, choose the option similar to “Pay with credit or debit card.”) There are several ways you may end up at the PayPal gateway page.
Additionally, Practical Psychology Press stays compliant with our security (see PCI Security Standards Council requirements). Our membership with ControlScan, an industry PCI firm, and upholding its terms is evidenced by our receiving their compliance certificate.
PLEASE! Do not send us (or any one else for that matter) your confidential credit card account information by straight email. We will not honor orders that contain credit card numbers which are sent directly through email.